The Posture Reminder ™ was featured on KTLA5 with Gale Anderson and UCLA's Dr. Volkman, who is wearing our Reminder product.
From roommates to friends to co-workers to now being business partners, Rudy Mettia & Kimberlyn Allen have been friends for over 25 years. Our lives have taken very different paths over the years, but a common goal of a healthy body as we age has brought us together again.
Individually, both of us had been seeking something the would align our bodies; Rudy for his students, personal clients and his daughter. For Kimberlyn, it was for herself and her colleagues in private aviation, as years of working inside private jets had lead to a slouched posture.
Together we have perfected the BEST corrective posture corrector, allowing full range of moment, yet strong enough to align and pull back the shoulders for a more powerful you. All our research and development has lead us to create The TRAINER™ for children, The REMINDER™ for all Adults and The ENFORCER™ for computer users, video gamers and others with an active lifestyle. Patents pending on all products.